ESL Specialist Certification & Frequently Asked Questions

Are the Midwestern Intermediate Unit 4 (MIU 4) ESL & Google Classroom Certification Programs approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education?
Yes, these are the official PDE Certifications.

Why is the price for the full six-course ESL Certification & Google Classroom certification programs so low?
Some online institutions charge more, especially if they are associated with a large University, but the curriculum approved by the PDE is the same. This course series is delivered online. Because we do not have physical classrooms and buildings, we pass on these savings to the teachers. We want to keep the program affordable for all teachers in the state of Pennsylvania.

How do I apply for my ESL Certification through the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS)?

Create a new account different than your school TIMS account.
Start your application here:
Questions…Contact Cheryl Piltch: (724) 458-6700×1224