Author: manipaltrutest123

Mass spectrometry imaging is transforming disease research. It offers a detailed view of molecular landscapes in tissues. MSI helps identify and map disease biomarkers. This technology is valuable in cancer,... Read More

Ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic requires a comprehensive strategy to address the biological, social and structural determinants of health. Prioritizing testing can be done by searching for Manipal TRUtest Near Me,... Read More

Genetic testing for thalassemia represents a powerful tool for preventive strategies. Understand your carrier status and make right decisions to reduce the risk of transmitting thalassemia to your children. You... Read More

Diagnostic reports can be confusing. But the guide by top pathology labs in Mumbai has made it simple for you to understand them. Learn key sections and common terms. There... Read More

POCT is revolutionizing healthcare delivery in India. It offers faster diagnoses, improved patient care, and greater convenience. As technology advances and existing challenges are tackled, POCT has the potential to... Read More

Early health problems are often silent, but early detection gives you a voice. Manipal TRUtest provides a clear path to take control. Their simple and reliable health checkup package for... Read More

The recent times have seen a rise of telemedicine in the healthcare sector. This technology allows healthcare professionals to connect with patients remotely using video conferencing and other digital tools.... Read More

Genetic testing for thalassemia represents a powerful tool for preventive strategies. Understand your carrier status and make right decisions to reduce the risk of transmitting thalassemia to your children. You... Read More

Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition characterized by airway hyperreactivity. It can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. However, with a comprehensive management plan and a proactive patient approach, you... Read More

Vitamin and mineral deficiency tests are vital for maintaining good health. They help detect and address nutritional gaps early. Routine blood tests ensure you stay healthy and active. Don’t ignore... Read More